Hedge Fund Investor Leadership Summit
November 2 - 3, 2017 | New York City
The first two Gaining the Edge events sold out well in advance. We expect this event to sell out with 700 registrations, including over 300 of the world's most influential investors in hedge funds. 11 panels and 8 hours of informal networking time will incite robust commentary and debate amongst hedge fund employees, investors, and others in the industry about the various ways to enhance the risk adjusted returns of a diversified hedge fund portfolio. Unlike most hedge fund conferences featuring hedge fund managers who are heavily biased relative to their strategy, this conference will only feature leading hedge fund investors as panelists who will provide insights about what hedge fund strategies look the most attractive given current capital market valuations and economic forecasts. Speakers include decision makers at pensions, endowments, foundations, institutional consultants, and funds of funds.
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Agecroft Partners will donate 100% of the profits to nonprofit organizations that benefit children. Help for Children will be one of the main beneficiaries of this event.
A partial list of investors who attended in 2016 is listed below:
50 South Capital
Aberdeen Asset Management
Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund
Alpha Capital Research
Alternative Investment Group
Atrato Advisors LLC
Bayshore Capital Advisors
Baylor University
Berens Capital Management
BlackRock Alternative Advisors
Blue Rock
British Columbia Investment Management Corp
Brown Brothers Harriman
Chilton Trust
Clearbrook Global Advisors
Cliffwater LLC
Collins Capital
Colonial Consulting
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management
Efficient Capital Management
Emory Investment Management
Fairfax County Retirement Systems
Federal Street Partners LLC
Fieldpoint Private
Franklin Street Partners
Fund Evaluation Group
Gapstow Capital Partners
Gatemore Capital Management
GCM Grosvenor
GE Pension Fund
GenSpring Family Offices LLC
Granville Capital Inc
HSBC Private Bank
International Monetary Fund
Jewish Communal Fund
JP Morgan Alternative Asset Management
K2 Advisors LLC
Kenmar Olympia LLC
Lazard Asset Management
LGT Capital Partners
Lone Peak Partners
Lyxor AM
Market Street Trust
Massey Quick Simon & Co.
Merrimac Corp.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY State)
Mill Creek Capital Advisors LLC
The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board (MMBB)
Morgan Stanley Investment Management
New Jersey Department of the Treasury
Novartis Corporation Pension Fund
Omega Asset Management Ltd
PennMutual Life Insurance
Perella Weinberg
Private Advisors LLC
Protégé Partners LLC
Rice University
Rocaton Investment Advisors
Rockefeller & Co.
Rothschild Asset Management Inc
Russell Investments
SAIL Advisors Research Inc.
SECOR Investment Advisors
Silvercrest Asset Management
Spider Management Company
St. John's University
Stanford Management Company
Strategic Investment Group
Summit Private Investments
Talson Partners
The Helmsley Charitable Trust
Titan Advisors LLC
Tradex Global Advisory Services LLC
University of Richmond
Washington University
Wells Fargo
Willis Towers Watson